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Managed IT Solutions


When you have Certissima as part of your team, your technology will be there when needed, performing reliably.

Book your initial consultation now for your free Network Security Analysis!
Learn how our Cybersecurity platform or Managed Services can benefit your business today!

Managed services is the practice of outsourcing the responsibility for maintaining, and anticipating need for, a range of systems for the purpose of improved operations and reduced financial expenses through the reduction of directly-employed IT staff. It is a dramatically superior alternative to the break/fix or on-demand outsourcing model where the service provider performs on-demand services and bills the customer only for the work done.

Here are the top 10 reasons client switch to Managed Services: 


  1. Improve security.

  2. Proactive approach to IT problems.

  3. Better uptime.

  4. Gain access to newer technologies.

  5. Cost savings over in-house IT.

  6. Peace of mind.

  7. Free internal staff for strategic work.

  8. Tap into cloud solutions.

  9. Lack of internal IT.

  10. Handle remote office IT.


With cyberattacks on the rise, it shouldn’t be too surprising to see security at the top of the list of MPS benefits.  From 2014 to 2015, there was a 38 percent rise in cyberattacks, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers, and 43 percent of cyberattacks target small businesses, according to Symantec.  A meteoric crypto currency market triggered a gold rush for cyber criminals. Detections of coin miners on endpoint computers increased by 8,500 percent in 2017, with Symantec logging 1.7 million in December alone.

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Westford, MA 01886

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